Friday, December 9, 2011

The FRIEND ZONE is real!

A number of guys go about the process of getting the attention of a female the wrong way. They have this seriously wrong conception that, they should first become friends with the young lady and then later in the movie, they then share their wonderful feelings to her and expect that it will all turn out to be beautiful.

Gentlemen, for those who have done this and didn't like the result, there is a place called the Friend Zone. Yes, the friend zone does exist. Allow me to clarify two major myths that exist in the mind of R.I's ( I am not afraid to say I have learnt from being a Relationship Illiterate (R.I), once upon a time). First myth is, "women want a relationship with someone they are friends with". I know in your mind you are thinking that it would be such a great relationship, seeing that she knows soo much about you, and you both feel comfortable around each other and we go for ice cream or watch a movie together. Well let me be the first to tell you that unless you intend to be her 'gay best friend', then what you are doing is shooting yourself in the heart. You are partaking in what i call 'bullshit' activity; you are entering the friend zone of which there is no return. So gentlemen, begin with the end in mind. This is a profound quote that is applicable in all areas of ones life. Ask yourself, where do i want to be with this young lady, is it her male 'girlfriend' who she calls up to tell about her relationships or the guy whom she can't stop thinking about and wants to be with?

The second myth is "women want nice guys". My sincere friends, nice is a criteria for the friend zone. Women want strong guys, guys who have strength in their personality, style, opinions, belief etc. They don't want nice guys, no matter what you are being told by them. For example, she may say that her last relationship was awful and she just wants a really nice guy this time who would love her the way she dreams. That again is what I call 'bullshit' elucidation. Stay focused!! Women are attracted to men who have their own world, not men who are trying to enter theirs and fall at their every beckon call. The more you focus on becoming a better and stronger individual, the better the attraction. From the beginning of time, we were created to be protectors of females and when we look around and she women taking over that position, it is because we failed as men. So I respect a woman who has her own business, drives her own car and lives in her own house. We men need to build ourselves and step up to the challenge, become men they can admire and respect and won't put in the Friend Zone even if they are paid to do so, because they are attracted to the strength of personality, character and mind. Always remember a woman won't intimately get involve or even marry someone they aren't attracted to.

So for those women who have blocked the guy from MSN, Blackberry, Facebook, Twitter after he told you that he has feelings for you, I do understand. He started out as a friend and all of a sudden wants to change? What kind of man could he possible be? It is like being in a restaurant and paid for fish and chips and then you change your mind and demand fish fillet with scallop potatoes and a Dom. Romanee Conti 1997 (Red wine that cost US$1540, for those who don't know). The Friend Zone is real and once you are in, you are in my disheartened young man.

Think attraction not friendship. If after the attraction, friendship builds then even more wonderful. She gets her dreams realized and you aren't left wondering why did she delete me.

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